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Published on Jun 24, 2024

 Starting a new year is always an exciting time. It’s a period where we typically consider the possibilities for the next twelve months. With the holidays behind us, it’s the perfect opportunity to act on new ideas and goals. Living in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), this often includes planning a quick trip to a sunny destination for a weekend getaway to escape the grey skies. Even locals need a break from the gloom this time of year.

Another common tradition is making time for personal goals, and house remodeling projects are frequently on the list. If you’ve never planned a remodel before, you might be tempted to prioritize other activities, like your getaway or new personal goals. You want to take the trip before the blue skies return to the PNW, and starting new habits sooner rather than later increases your chances of success. You might think the best time to start work on your house is during the warmer months—so why worry about it now?

As an experienced remodeling contractor, let me offer some advice. If you think your project is simple, like a standard deck project, your initial logic to start with other things might seem sound. However, it might not be as straightforward as you think. In recent years, even deck projects involve more planning. Your deck could require engineering and detailed plans for city approval in addition to material selections. These are all reasons to start planning your summer remodel now. Whether you want to complete a kitchen, bathroom, or addition remodel, coordinating the key components of a remodel takes time.

The Importance of Early Planning

Planning a kitchen remodel, for instance, takes at least two to three months. This timeframe covers selecting materials, establishing a budget, and coordinating deliveries and crews. Adding engineering and city approvals could extend the planning process to six months or even a year. Your goal of doing some home remodeling in 2025 could easily become a goal for 2025 if you start planning after your weekend getaway in March.

Detailed Planning for Success

Starting early is crucial for several reasons. First, it allows ample time for selecting the right materials. With the plethora of options available today, choosing the best ones that fit your aesthetic and functional needs can be time-consuming. Early planning gives you the chance to consider all available options without the pressure of impending deadlines.

Second, establishing a budget is a critical step that should not be rushed. A well-thought-out budget ensures that you can afford all the desired features without running into financial strain halfway through the project. It also helps in avoiding any unpleasant surprises.

Third, coordinating deliveries and crews can be a logistical challenge. Early planning allows you to schedule the best contractors and ensure timely delivery of materials. This coordination is vital to keep the project on track and avoid delays.

Engineering and City Approvals

In the PNW, obtaining city approvals and engineering plans can add significant time to your project. These steps are essential to ensure that your remodel complies with local building codes and regulations. Starting the planning process now means you’ll be prepared to submit plans and obtain necessary permits without delaying your project’s start date.

Making the Most of the New Year

Being from the PNW, I completely understand the desire to see blue skies and enjoy the warmth of the sun at the start of the year. There’s also time to work on reaching your personal goals in 2025. However, meeting with a contractor soon after the holiday decorations are down and back in storage is the first step towards finishing your home remodel in 2025.

The Coons Construction Difference

At Coons Construction, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality craftsmanship and exceptional customer service. Our "Built Green" certification by the Master Builder's Association underscores our commitment to sustainability and using building science to power our projects. We are dedicated to helping homeowners in Lynnwood, WA, and the surrounding areas achieve their remodeling goals with minimal stress and maximum satisfaction.

By starting your remodel planning early, you ensure that every detail is meticulously thought out and executed. This proactive approach not only helps in managing the budget and timeline but also ensures a smoother remodeling experience.

Conclusion: Your Partner in Remodeling

If you’re considering a remodel in 2025, don’t wait until spring to start planning. Contact Coons Construction today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you turn your vision into reality with our expertise and commitment to excellence. With our help, your home can undergo the transformation you’ve been dreaming of, all while staying within your budget and timeline.

Start the new year right by laying the groundwork for a successful remodel. With Coons Construction by your side, you can look forward to a beautifully remodeled home that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations.

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